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Date and time:  x

Cost: x

Local:  x















General information



Goal:  Analyze and discuss some of the problems of Urban Mobility for two days.

Target Audience:  All those interested in expanding their training and/or specialization, namely students or professionals who want to invest in a more solid training in the area of Mobility, Transport and Logistics.  

Official language:  Portuguese.

Guest Speakers:  Prof. Doctor Rosário Macário from the University of Lisbon, and by Doctor Camila Garcia from TML and researcher at CERIS at the University of Lisbon.


1. Future of Mobility

2. Governance: New Municipal Skills

3. Information in the Urban Mobility System

4. Micromobility: Increase the competitiveness of pedestrian and bicycle modes (Cycling Strategy and Cycling Potential)

5. Course Presentation: Urban Mobility Management


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