Module 1: 21-23 November (after work) | Module 2: 28-30 November and 5 December (after work)
Module 3: 07, 12 and 14 December (after work)
| Módulo 2: 25-27 Fevereiro (pós-laboral)
This course is a partnership between IASA and CEEC / ISEL
IASA and CEEC / ISEL develop joint theoretical and practical training in order to provide engineering and architecture professionals with the skills necessary to perform their duties, regardless of their previous academic background and which is usually very varied.

This course has the following general objectives:
Promote knowledge of the material “wood” and its main characteristics as a construction material;
To make known examples for the correct use of wood and its rehabilitation;
Provide designers with a set of rules and design methods that fit and facilitate the design of this type of structures, according to Eurocode 5 (EC5).
Module 1 - Rehabilitation of Wooden Structures
Understand the importance and usefulness of the rehabilitation of wooden structures in old buildings, in the context of the conservation and restoration of the built heritage.
Knowing the behavior of the “wood” material, the types of degradation and the means of diagnosis, with the aim of evaluating the need for treatment or reinforcement and what intervention techniques are, as well as the care of wood application on site.
Module 2 - Calculation of Wood Structures according to Eurocode 5 (EN 1995-1:2014)
Provide trainees with contact with practical cases of design of wooden structures and derivatives in the design of these structures, whether in the rehabilitation phase or in new constructions.
Carry out the design of practical cases and apply practical rules to assess the bearing capacity of existing structural elements in the context of rehabilitation.
Module 3 - Automatic Calculation of ROBOT® Wood Structures
Acquire skills in the automatic calculation of wooden structures using the commercial software Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis (version 2022).
Develop numerical finite element models (2D and/or 3D) of wooden structures in the context of new construction and rehabilitation.
Analyze results from the point of view of decision support and feasibility of structural solutions.
Use the specific module for dimensioning wooden structures according to Eurocode 5.
Prerequisite: the trainee must have the Autodesk software program installed on his computer - Robot Structural Analysis (student or trial version - see www.autodesk.com, after registration he can access the student or trial version).
Module 1 - Rehabilitation of Wooden Structures
Aimed at everyone interested in the area, from carpenters and builders to designers, construction directors, licensing entities, among others.
Module 2 - Calculation of Timber Structures according to Eurocode 5 (EN 1995-1:2014)
Preferentially aimed at civil engineers, designers, construction directors, among others.
Module 3 - Automatic Calculation of ROBOT® Wooden Structures
Preferentially aimed at civil engineers, designers and other technicians involved in the design of structures.
As sessões são lecionadas on-line na plataforma Zoom, em horário pós-laboral, entre as 18h30 e as 21h30.
Os programas e os horários detalhados podem ser consultados, módulo a módulo, em cima,
Module 1 - Rehabilitation of Wooden Structures
230 € + VAT
Module 2 - Calculation of Timber Structures according to Eurocode 5 (EN 1995-1:2014)
€230 + VAT
Module 3 - Automatic Calculation of ROBOT® Wooden Structures
€230 + VAT
Graduates associated with Partner Entities:
- 10% discount on any registration;
- Additional 5% discount for enrolling in the full course.
Trainees in general:
- 10% discount on the complete course.
[Complete the online form and submit it. You will receive a confirmation email. Proceed to pay the registration fee and then send proof of payment to the email address idalia.gomes@isel.pt. To make it easier to identify payment, you can attach proof to the email you received with your registration details. You will then receive confirmation of registration.]
Cancellation of registration can be done up to 10 days before the start of the training and the trainee will be refunded the full amount. After this period, 50% of the registration fee will be retained;
Registration is only complete after payment has been made.
For more information or clarification of doubts, please contact the course coordinator:
Prof. Doctor Maria Idália Gomes (idalia.gomes@isel.pt, 965 084 587).
Toda a formação decorrerá em plataforma online, e para que a formação decorra com a melhor interação entre formandos e formadores durante o curso e ainda, para reconhecimento de quem participa, é obrigatório que as câmaras de vídeo estejam sempre ligadas.
Qualquer filmagem da formação é estritamente proibida.
Serão entregues, em formato digital, as apresentações dos vários formadores e toda a documentação extra que se considere pertinente.
No final da formação, será entregue um certificado de participação, a todos os formandos que tenham estado presentes a mais de 75% da duração do módulo.
Módulo 2 - Cálculo de Estruturas de Madeira de acordo com o Eurocódigo 5 (NP EN 1995-1:2022)
O Formando deve estar familiarizado na consulta de normas Europeias, nomeadamente os EC's - EN 1990 (2009); EN 1991 1-1(2009); EN 1995, 1-1 (2003) e EN 1995, 1-2 (2022).
Para mais informações ou esclarecimento de dúvidas, contacte por favor a coordenação do curso:
Prof. Doutora Maria Idália Gomes (idalia.gomes@isel.pt, 965 084 587).