Workshop on Introduction to Data Analysis Methods in Mobility Systems
Date and time: November 15, 17, 22 and 24 from 4 pm to 6 pm
Cost: Free, but registration is mandatory.
Place: zoom
General information
Objective: Introduction to new data modeling and analysis concepts associated with the digital transition in transport systems.
Target Audience: Professionals from companies related to transport and mobilities and students interested in expanding their knowledge in areas such as structured data models, dashboards, big data, low code, network analysis.
Official language: Portuguese.
Guest Speakers: Prof. Doctor Paulo Matos Martins, researcher at CERIS/IST/UL at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) and Doctor Eliane Gomes de Brito, researcher at CERIS/IST/UL at the University of Beira Interior (UBI).
Structured data models;
Big Data in Mobility and the associated new concepts (data lakes, integrations, etc.);
Data Dashboards as tools for data management and decision support;
Low Code (citizen and professional) - the new way of making applications;
Network Theory (concepts, topology and metrics); and
Main applications and tools of Network Theory in the transport sector.
Workshop Records