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Curso de 
Gestão da Mobilidade Urbana

 1st Edition - 03 April to 29 June 2021 


Este curso é apresentado pela IASA no âmbito do projecto EIT URBAN MOBILITY.



Professora  Doutora Rosário Macário (IST) e Doutora Camila Garcia (TML).

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Cada módulo tem 4 horas de aulas, às sextas-feiras das 16h às 20h por internet. 

O curso tem inicio a 1 de abril e termina a  29 de julho.


Os participantes podem inscrever-se separadamente nos módulos, tendo no entanto vantagem em optar pelo curso completo, caso em que dois módulos serão oferecidos. 


Tratando-se de um curso EIT, o primeiro módulo é gratuito para todos.


O curso visa actualizar profissionais do sector da mobilidade urbana, em países de expressão portuguesa, trazendo-lhes as mais recentes técnicas desenvolvidas em projectos de investigação, e casos práticos internacionais inspiradores de práticas de sucesso.


Este curso tem a participação de oradores com experiência de assessoria nacional e internacional, maioritariamente doutorados.



O presente curso apresenta o seguinte objetivo geral:


  • Actualizar e capacitar  profissionais do sector da mobilidade urbana, em países de expressão portuguesa, trazendo-lhes as mais recentes técnicas desenvolvidas em projectos de investigação, e casos práticos internacionais inspiradores de práticas de sucesso.



Destina-se a gestores e técnicos ligados ao setor da mobilidade urbana e regional, exercendo a sua atividade em câmaras municipais, organismos públicos, empresas privadas de serviços de mobilidade e consultoras, necessitando de formação complementar na área da especialização.



The Urban Mobility Management course is structured in 12 independent modules that range from the strategic vision for urban mobility to the main skills and instruments currently available to managers, technicians and consultants.

Strategic Vision for Urban Mobility

Module 1 - Future of Mobility

Prof. Rosario Macário

april 1 

Module 2 - Citizen Behavior

Prof. Rosario Macário

april 8 

Module 3 - Environmental challenge in transport

April 22nd

The Urban Mobility System

Module 6 - Public Transport

Professors Rosário Macário and Camila Garcia  Cross

Module 5 - Active Mobility: pedestrian and cycle modes 

Prof. Filipe Moura 

Module 4 - Urban Infrastructures 

Prof. José Neves

May 13th 

May 6th 

october 28

Module 8 - Urban Logistics 

Professors Rosário Macário and Vasco Reis 

may, 27 

Module 7 - Parking Management


20 of May 

Skills and Instruments 

Module 9 - Policies and Regulation of Urban Mobility 

Prof. Rosario Macário

June 3rd 

Module 10 - PAMUS 

Prof. Camila Garcia 

June 17th 

Module 12 - Modeling as a Support Tool for Mobility Planning

Prof. Vasco Reis

June 24

Module 12 - Information and Marketing in Urban Mobility Systems 

Bernardo Garcia (IST) and Prof. Mariza Motta (IUL / CERIS - IST)

June 29



This course has the participation of speakers with national and international advisory experience, mostly with PhDs.

Rosário Macário  is Associate Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico and Guest Professor at the University of Antwerp. To date, he has led more than numerous research and consultancy projects, in various fields of Urban Mobility, in Portugal and in several countries (Brazil, European Union, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Indonesia, among others).

She has produced books and several publications in this field,   is a frequent speaker at international events, and advises several entities, including the Transport Regulator of Italy.   


Camila Garcia , Civil Engineer, PhD in Transport Systems, has developed her research activity in the field of strategic planning, where she has published several articles in scientific journals. She is currently part of the TML – Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa team, and is therefore deeply knowledgeable about the reality of Lisbon and also of Brazil, where she has extensive experience in mobility studies.


Vasco Reis , Civil Engineer,  Doctorate in Transport Systems, is a researcher in the transport systems research group at CERIS. His research area is mobility chains and networks, in particular real-time integration. For a better understanding of transport systems, operations and processes, Vasco has developed simulation models, largely based on agent technology. Recently, the focus of his research has also been on urban logistics and security. 


Angélica Magrini Rigo  has a degree   in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre/Brazil) and a Master's degree in Urbanism and Territorial Planning, from the Instituto Superior Technician (Lisbon/Portugal). He has worked professionally in Brazil, Colombia and Portugal, in the areas of architecture, planning and urban design. It is especially dedicated to accessibility and Urban Mobility, with an emphasis on active modes and inclusive design. Currently, he has participated in the elaboration of mobility and micromobility plans, studies of logistics and projects for the requalification of public space. 


José Manuel Neves  is Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, specialized in pavement engineering, transport geotechnics and quality management and guarantees. José Neves has extensive experience in urban streets, as well as in quality certifications, and intelligent systems, and is a researcher in the Transport Systems research group at CERIS.


Filipe Moura is Associate Professor of Transport Systems at Instituto Superior Técnico, and a research member of the Transport Systems research group at CERIS. His research area is Urban Mobility and, in particular, travel behavior analysis, transport demand, modelling, sustainable mobility (including social aspects of transport), technology diffusion and road traffic management. Currently, his research interests focus on active modes of transport and their interaction with the built environment. 


Camila Carpinteiro has a degree in Territorial Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, specializing in road design. Currently, he works in the area of Traffic Engineering developing projects related to accessibility, parking and traffic impact studies, where different modes of transport are contemplated, including soft modes. Collaborates in the elaboration of road projects for consolidated urban contexts, including optimization of car park layouts and respective design (routing, paving and signage).


Bernardo F. Garcia is an architect with a Masters in Transport Engineering and is currently finishing his PhD in Transport Systems. His research focuses on information systems for public transport passengers. Bernardo is knowledgeable about these systems and, in particular, the development of public transport maps all over the world. In his research career, he has invested in the introduction of innovation in the design of maps and in their use and interpretation by their users.


Mariza Motta Queiroz is an Economist, with a PhD in Transport Systems from Instituto Superior Técnico and a member of the Transport Systems Research group at CERIS. His research is related to Urban Mobility and, in particular, to travel behavior analysis, transport modeling and strategic marketing for public transport. Marisa has over 30 years of experience in a public transport operator. 


Os participantes podem inscrever-se até dia 24 de junho separadamente nos módulos, tendo no entanto vantagem em optar pelo curso completo, caso em que dois módulos serão oferecidos. Se assim for, terão de se inscrever até dia 15 de março. Tratando-se de um curso EIT, European Institute of Innovation and Technology,  o primeiro módulo é gratuito para todos os participantes. 

São as seguintes condições de inscrição: 

  • Por cada módulo 180€ + iva (com oferta do módulo 1) 

  • Pelo curso completo com 12 módulos (com oferta do módulo 1 e de outro módulo à escolha do participante: 1800€ + iva 

As inscrições para o curso estão encerradas

Uma nova edição será anunciada brevemente, fique atento!


Para mais informações por favor contactar a coordenação do curso:

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