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Check IASA activities here!!
This webpage intends to disseminate the events and actions conducted by IASA within the scope of 
EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Portugal 2020.
Mobility and Transport Entrepreneurship Workshop
Date and time: Fri, 18 December, 09: 00-18: 00
Cost: free, but registration required
Location: online

Target Audience: Everyone interested in launching an idea or developing a business in the field of Mobility and Transport, namely young entrepreneurs.

Official Languages: Portuguese and English.

Trainers: Prof. Dr. Jorge Silva and Dr. Vasco Reis.

Invited entrepreneur: Profª. Drª. Rosário Macário


09: 00-09: 30 Welcoming & Innovation Mindset

09: 30-10: 00 Fundamentals of Design Thinking

10: 00-11: 30 Group work

11: 30-12: 00 Customer Development and Validation & Business Model Canvas

12: 00-13: 30 Group work

14: 30-15: 00 Transport Entrepreneurship | Professor Rosário Macário (IST)

15: 00-15: 30 Prototypes & Pitch to Investors

15: 30-17: 00 Group Work

17: 00-17: 45 Final Presentation

17: 45-18: 00 Course Conclusions & Farewell


Candidates submit their applications by December 13th. On the 14th, accepted candidates will be announced. The workshop will work in groups of 2 or 3 elements. Each group will work upon a business idea that may not be equal to the one presented at the time of application. The groups will be chosen on December 14th. Between the 14th and 17th of December, the groups will be working on the business idea. On the 17th they must submit their preliminary work.

Important dates:

• December 13: applications are closed.

• December 14: acceptance notification.

• December 14: team-building and theme’s choice.

• December 17: Submission of problem characterization and identification of the main customers.

• December 18: Entrepreneurship workshop.

A Participation Certificate issued by the EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Portugal will be made available to each participant.

Entrepreneurship Workshop
Academic Session
Informative     Session on the
EIT Urban Mobility Academy
Date and time: Wed, December 16, 10 : 00-12: 00
Cost: free, but registration required
Location: online

International training means better opportunities or even a future international career

A Participation Certificate issued by the EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Portugal will be made available to each participant.





Objective: To publicize the training offer of the EIT Urban Mobility Academy to all those who want to invest in solid training, based on high-quality programs and welcomed by highly prestigious institutions.

The Summer Schools of Urban Mobility EIT will be presented, the dual Masters and PhDs international framed this program.

Target Audience: All those interested in expanding their training and/or specialization, namely students or professionals who want to invest in more solid training in the area of ​​Mobility, Transport, and Logistics, with international recognition and the possibility of conducting part of their studies at a European university of the EIT Urban Mobility network.

Official Language: Portuguese.

Invited speakers: Profª. Dr. Rosário Macário and Prof. Doctor Nuno Marques da Costa (University of Lisbon).


10: 00-10: 30: Welcome, Introduction to EIT, EIT Urban Mobility, EIT Urban Mobility Portugal Hub

10: 30-11: 15: Presentation session of the EIT Urban Mobility Academy

11: 15-11: 50: Informative Session

11: 50-12: 00: Closing

Citizens Debates
Online Citizen Debates 
on Active Modes
Date and time: Mon, December 21st, 14: 30-17: 30
                            Tue, 29 December, 14:30-17: 30
Cost: free participation, but mandatory registration
Location: online

||| Due to force majeure, the date for the Debate of the 17th had to be changed to the

the 29th at the same time |||

This event is aimed at all citizens who wish to learn about good active mobility practices (walking, cycling, etc.) and discuss them.

A Participation Certificate issued by the EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Portugal will be made available to each participant.

Target Audience: All Citizens interested in discussing the topic.

Official Language: Portuguese.

About this event:

Active mobility (walking, bicycles, scooters, ...) is increasingly present in the day-to-day life of cities due to the new opportunities for circulation and benefits, at different levels, that they bring to the citizen. However, as their integration into cities has not always been done in the best way, there is an opportunity to get citizens to debate the best practices of active mobility.

In a structured debate organized in sessions, we invite citizens to discuss the best ways to implement these practices in cities, so that their ideas can integrate proposals that we will make to policy makers.


14:30 - 14.45: Welcome session and introduction to the event

14:45 -15: 30: Group work on mobility patterns

15: 30- 16:00: Presentation of good practices of active mobility and debate

16:00 - 16:10: Break

16:10 - 17:00: Debate on active mobility in the neighborhood / city of the participants

17:00 - 17:25: Presentation of results and key ideas

17:25 - 17:30: Closing session

As a way of thanking you for your contribution, each participant will be offered a € 30 FNAC voucher.

Support & Networking
Support & Networking
One of the main missions of the RIS Hub Portugal is to raise awareness of the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) EIT Urban Mobility, disseminate all the activities promoted by it, promote national and international networking and support applications from national partners to calls for innovation and entrepreneurship projects.
  • Currently, applications for international master's courses are taking place ...
  • In the first quarter of 2021, calls will be opened for projects in various areas ...

IASA, as a partner of RIS Hub Portugal, has been making presentations to municipalities, associations, companies, universities and other entities that wish to obtain more detailed information about KIC EIT Urban Mobility.


This program has funding of 400 million Euros for the period 2020-26 and represents very good opportunities in the area of ​​academic development, applied innovation, and business in the area of ​​mobility and transport, with a special focus on the approach of entrepreneurship.

If you want to get more information about EIT Urban Mobility and its potential, you can send an email to with the subject "EIT UM - support & networking" and we will contact you. We are waiting for you ... the opportunities are many!

IASA is already collaborating with some public and private entities that have already signed a cooperation agreement with RIS HUB Portugal and that will be supported in the development of their actions within the scope of the EIT Urban Mobility.
RIS Hub Portugal 2020
RIS Hub Portugal 2020

RIS Hub Portugal is constituted by a consortium formed by the company BGI, the IASA Association and the company Thales Portugal.


Each partner of RIS Hub Portugal has specific missions that it performs within the scope of the hub.

BGI, in addition to being the leading partner of the consortium, is also responsible for the application in Portugal of the Open Innovation program of the EIT Urban Mobility. The ongoing actions in this area can be followed here .

Thales Portugal is responsible for mapping the mobility ecosystem in the urban territory of several counties.

Soon we will present more information on this topic ...

EIT Urban Mobility
EIT Urban Mobility Areas
KIC EIT Urban Mobility divides its lines of intervention into five major areas:
  • Factory
  • Business Creation
  • Innovation
  • Academy
  • City Club
Details on the development of all these areas can be found on the initiative's website here .
  • At this time there are no open calls for projects
  • The Business Plan for 2021 is being completed to be centrally approved by the EIT institute

Soon we will present more information on this topic ...

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This activity is organized by the IASA Association under the EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Portugal 2020 project, which is sponsored by the EIT KIC Urban Mobility and received funds from the European Institute of Innovations and Technology (EIT), an entity of the European Union, under the framework program Horizon 2020 research and innovation.

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